Non-profit of the week: ASPCA
(Source: PCH Blog)
“We believe that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans, and must be protected under the law.” – ASPCA
By now you must have those heart-wrenching ASPCA commercials, featuring the mistreated animals staring into the camera begging for help, engraved in your memory. Thanks to the non-profit organization, the rescue from abuse and creation of humane laws is made possible for these helpless animals. The organization’s backbone is its belief that animals “are entitled to kind and respectful treatment” from humans and their right to be protected under the law. Living up to its belief has let the ASPCA provide leadership in three main areas: care for pet parents and pets, providing positive outcomes for at-risk animals and serving victims of animal cruelty.
This year, the organization is pushing its fight against animal cruelty with the goal to win new laws benefiting their cause. “At the ASPCA, we’re already off and running,” said Nancy Perry, senior vice President of ASPCA Government Relations, “meeting with new and returning legislators, helping to draft new animal-friendly legislation and garnering support for the reintroduction of our priority bills from last year.”
The permanent ban on horse slaughter and export of the animal is being vigorously advocated as a federal bill by the organization this year by building on congressional and public support. “Horse slaughter is inhumane and is not a form of euthanasia,” said Perry, “horses are flight animals, making them difficult to stun and the methods used to kill horses rarely result in quick, painless deaths.” Such methods horses endure include repeated blows and being dismembered alive.
According to Perry, horse slaughter plants are responsible for the damage of communities’ economy and environment. Prior to being shut down in 2007, horse slaughter plants polluted local waterways, decreased property values, and penetrated unpleasant odors in the air.
In addition to the ban, the organization is encouraging members of Congress to continue prohibiting the use of tax dollars for horse slaughter. Congress must approve the prohibition, which can be found in the President’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016. If approved, the prohibition will block the federal government from spending money to inspect horse slaughter plants in the country. This restriction “would keep plants from opening here,” said Perry, “a critical step towards achieving the full ban.”
For the ASPCA, its top priority is to secure a federal ban on horse slaughter, but as the ban awaits, there are many ways to ensure horses’ security. The organization celebrates ASPCA Help a Horse Day annually on April 26 to raise awareness about the life-saving work and sanctuaries for at-risk horses. “Thousands of equines become homeless each year through no fault of their own,” said Perry, “and this nationwide grants contest aims to assist the caregivers who offer these horses a much-deserved new lease on life.”
As for the federal ban on horse slaughter, Perry suggests to “join us in being a voice for horses.” “It’s important to contact your local and federal representatives,” said Perry, “to ensure your voices are heard to help protect horses.”
Donate to the ASPCA and join the fight for animals’ welfare.