Documentaries for Social Change
With the turn of the century came a huge influx of different ways information and knowledge could be spread. It has helped people learn new things about keeping the earth healthy, caring for wildlife, and just making the earth a better place in general. With this newfound knowledge, people have joined together to make social change, especially through documentaries.
The Garden attempts to bring attention to a 14-acre community garden that is being threated by bulldozers. Stemming from the 1992 Los Angeles riots, the garden represents healing, new beginnings and hope for many of the LA residents. The Garden’s goal is to answer questions that came up after the selling of the garden’s land “Why was the land sold to a wealthy developer for millions less than fair-market value? Why was the transaction done in a closed-door session of the LA City Council? Why has it never been made public?” The Gardenbrings together all of the best aspects of film, including the “narrative pull of fiction” and the unveiling of cover-ups and backroom deals. The Garden.
The documentary, Green Gold is much more straightforward than The Garden. It is the story of how restoring our Earth brings with it “livelihoods, security and a future.” Green Gold teaches us that we still have time to fix what we have done to the planet, and that our solution is much easier than you may think. Green Gold
Blackfish, a psychological thriller documentary about the affects of captivity on animals, has gotten a great deal of attention lately. It focuses on killer whales and their history in captivity leading up to the killing of a Sea World trainer by one. Blackfish brings to light what many people have been wondering about for decades, but never actually done anything about. Blackfish.
The Beautiful Truth follows a 15-year old boy, Garrett, who has always been fascinated with diet and its link between diseases such as cancer. His fascination leads him on a cross-country journey where he meets scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who help Garrett to uncover how medical industries dismiss the link between diet and natural cures to disease. The Beautiful Truth
“If bees were to disappear from the globe, mankind would only have four years left to live.” This quote by Albert Einstein is the main point of More Than Honey. This documentary sheds light on the fact that billions of honeybees have vanished around the world for a reason that is still unknown. More Than Honey shows how humans are linked to honeybees and what we may be able to do to prevent them from vanishing altogether. More Than Honey