Top 5 TED talks for organic living
All of us aspire to live a healthy and quality life and hope to know how to do it. I would like to introduce the top 5 TED talks that give us messages about how to live healthy. TED is a non-profit devoted to worthy ideas spreading and these top 5 TED talks surely have a positive influence on our living. Now is the time to watch life changing messages. Here are top 5 TED talks for organic living.
1. Josh Viertel : Building a slow food nation.
Thinking the environment around himself, Josh Viertel, now the president of Slow Food USA, focused on creating a world where people can eat foods good for people and the planet.
“I began to realize that every problems I cared about, whether it’s problem of environmental degradation or problem of social injustice, problem of the global economy, or problem of public education has at its core issues linked to food and farming. If we are going to address these problems in ways that are meaningful, we have to transform the way we grow ensure food together to that let me to this movement,” Viertel said in his talk.
“I also realized that the kind of relationships and connections we could build at the table. Media could build the kind of power that we need as a community to transform food and farming so I give myself over to this work,” he added.
He explained that we have to actively engage as citizens, as individuals, and as community members to make better world. To do that, he emphasizes the importance of media, which helps us to connect community and involve social movement. His thought toward the foods and world is really impressive. It surely inspires people to think about the community and the importance of slow food.
2. Ann Cooper : Lunch lessons, changing the way we feed our children
Many associations or universities offer standard plate that children should eat. However, the plate what we feed in schools now seems that entirely don’t care about the standard. What’s happening now? Children are fed lots of unhealthy food such as burritos, corn dogs, pizza pockets and even French fries for lunch. As a result, one out of every three children born in 2000 will contract diabetes in their lifetime, according to her speech.
Emphasizing the importance of doing gardening and making salad bars in every school, Ann Cooper suggests what we are going to do in this speech.
“What I wanted to you is challenge you. Do one thing. You’ve heard so many speakers and you’ve heard so much great information. Take it home. Do one thing for the health of our children,”
Her powerful and earnest words appeal people. As an adult, I have no choice but to feel ashamed knowing the conditions of school lunch. We have to change.
3. Birke Baehr : What’s wrong with our food system
Birke Baehr is a 11-year-old boy. He figured out how to work around the food system. Criticizing how unhealthy food we may buy from the supermarket, He argues to green and localize food production.
“We can make a difference by making different choices, by buying our food directly from local farmers or our neighbors who we know in real life,” Baeher said.
Baehr often goes to the farm and participates in the process of farming.
“I believe kids will eat fresh vegetables and good food if they know more about it and where it comes from,” Baehr affirmed.
“Next time you are at the grocery store, think local, choose organic, know your farmer and know your food,” he added.
This kid’s speech gives a lot of thought about our food system. Usually, we don’t really care about our meal. Almost all of us do not notice how over the years our fruits and vegetables have been genetically engineered and modified to stay riper and last longer with chemicals that are not good for us. If we can learn where our food comes from, we can change what we eat and eat much healthier.
Curt Ellis is an expert of future food and farming. He points out lots of health problems in America especially to young people.
“We know the statistics one in three American children is in track to develop type2 diabetes. We have more people living in prisons in America today than we have left able to living as farmers. We have an obesity epidemic so far out of control that military leaders call it a crisis of national security. Already 27% young men and women in America wouldn’t qualify for military service because they are too fat to fight….”
He emphasizes that to make solution, the first thing we need to do is to innovate our school lunch. He speaks how important the school lunch is.
“What we feed our kids in school and what we teach them about food there affects how they grow, how they learn, what they’re going to feed their own families, and how long they will live. School is where it all begins.”
He suggests an idea of school food corps that are growing foods, helping kids, and connecting the community. He also highlights how important the school gardens are.
“School gardens help kids touch and grow and taste foods that are good for them and they may never have had a chance to try before so give children regular daily access.”
This is a great speech for people looking for a solution of health problems nowadays. Let’s give children a healthy future.
Do you think it’s hard to grow your own food because you have no room for doing so? Here is the funny and interesting guy who grows his own food in New York without any land. He built truck farm.
This idea appeals many dwellers in the city, especially kids.
“Farms were attracting very curious urban dwellers, especially young urban dwellers many of whom had never seen a vegetable growing before and tasted a freshly ground food especially out of the pickup truck. But I love these kids started to chiming with their own suggestions of where they thought it might be a good idea to grow food.”
He convinced that farming can give us the spirit of creativity and playful inventiveness so he assures that this truck fuels the imagination of young people.
He tries hard to spread the merits of gardening. He started 25 truck farms in 25 cities around the countries. He also got submission to do ‘School Garden Contest’.
Teaching the importance of gardening and health to children is hard and it can be boring easily. However, his speech demonstrates the possibility that children can learn about food and gardening in an enjoyable way.